Hello ! Welcome to my webpage of design work!!
I really enjoy creating artwork that is fun and incredibly saturated and vibrant. Exciting and contrasting, lots of texture and using materials in ways people might not think of. Regardless of medium, my work is about showing joy and whimsy in everything that I do. I view my work as a love letter to life and all things I find fascinating. While far from quaint my work shows a certain charm. I am dedicated to depicting love, whether it be my love of colours and objects, love within other people, or a general loud enjoyment in everything I can see. Beauty is often also a major subject which I play with, I depict things which are beautiful to me exclusively and with great care. Hoping that it allows others to learn share this respect, or appreciate it, even if the subjects and focus can be unconventional. One reoccurring subject is horses and ponies, as my favourite animal and something subject to plenty of whimsical and fantastical depictions and imagery they appear very easily within my body of work.
Hyper-decorated and accessorized garments is one way which I present this, with an emphasis on handmade items. Due to my obsession with detail I create almost all of the decorations and details alone using whatever I can find. This also influences my fabric, with me weaving the pattern pieces myself, or illustrating over the garment.
(all code is my own)